Roger Boltshauser

Roger is an architect and is our son in law.

I have two important contributions to my musical life to thank him for:

1. The organisation for my 75th Birthday Concert with the ensemble neue musik zürich

  • Sextett für Flöte, Bassklarinette (B), Violine, Cello, Klavier und Perkussion
  • Was Liebe ist für Sopran und Klavier (für Brigitte)
  • Chance Piece for Flute and Tape
  • Kapiti für Klavier
  • Microzoic Piano Suite für Bariton und Ensemble (Querflöte, Klarinette, Posaune, Perkussion, Klavier, Violine und Cello)

2. The publication of my book Quite by Chance / Wie durch Zufall

Work on the book started in the summer of 2011 when Roger arranged for me to meet with the editor and the book designer. We had meetings every few months over the next year. The editor lady made contact with Pfau Verlag who were prepared to include it in their books for publication but insisted that it be a dual language book: English / German. This meant a much longer preparation time, working together with Brigitte and Fiona who took charge of the translation. A big advantage of this was that passages which were difficult translate often proved to be so because the English was not clear. Although this led to a general improvement in clarity for the whole book it took much more time than it had taken to write the book in the beginning and because of this delay, it was not ready for sale at the time of the birthday concert (9. 12. 2012).